Το CJG στο Pan-European Conference on International Relations

Το CJG στο Pan-European Conference on International Relations

? ?????? ??? ????????? ?????????? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????? ????????? ????????????? ??? ???????? 14th Pan-European Conference on International Relations- The power of politics of nature (13-17 ??????????? 2021).  H ?????????? ?? ????? “Climate change? Amusing tidbits of fearmongering!”. Topic models and word embeddings for ideological analysis: a case study in neoliberal discourse ???????? ????? ??? ????? «ITHAKA: Neoliberalism, Ideology and Public Discourse: A Study of Semantic and Communicative Transformations in a Large Volume of replicas breitling Empirical Data in Political and Journalistic Texts with Automatic Analysis Methods» .

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?????????? ??? ??? ???? ??????»[MIS 5048143].

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